
The Tattoo People

Now I’ll just be honest – I’m not a tattoo guy. Have I seen a cool tattoo here and there? Sure. Actually, wait, no I haven’t. I’ve yet to see the significance of the tattoo. What possesses people to have ink injected into their skin, through a vibrating needle? Is it so they could justify their unemployment? Is it so they can be embarrassed when they’re elderly and no one wants to look at them? Or is it so they can fill the Jersey shoreline, reminding me which nationality and religion they are. Apparently the chain with religious symbol around the neck isn’t enough of an indicator.

I’m barely able to endure the pain of a middle of the night foot cramp. Which, by the way are absolutely unnecessary – thanks human body. I’m assuming it hurts, right? And if you’re calling me a bitch at this point, I’m not offended in the least. I’m quite comfortable avoiding objects that break the skin, and potentially lead to HIV. Alright, I’m getting carried away. It’s probably just a little pinprick and people have the right to express themselves through body art. But, is it really body art?

The sleeve is a popular tattoo design these days. This is where a person’s entire arm is covered in some sort of tattoo or design. Personally, I’m quite fine with the traditional cotton or polyester sleeve, but what do I know? Then we have the tramp stamps. Obviously the girl can’t even see her own tramp stamp, so this must be specifically for me to gawk at. Honestly, I’m impressed that you’re telling me something with the stamp, but I don’t even know what I’m looking at. Is that a Batman logo? Is it a tree branch? What am I looking at here? Call me old fashion but I’m cool with regular plain skin in the ass area. I get it. I see it. No need to draw any more attention to the region. Last I checked we’re genetically wired to pick up on those things anyway.

Next we have the Chinese letters. I live in Chinatown and I will still never understand that language. I have a better shot at re-cracking the Rosetta Stone than I do of figuring those symbols out. Pretty sure no one understands or cares what the letters stand for. Even if the phrase is in English – still don’t understand why anyone would care. “Only the Strong Survive” or “God Is on My Side”….whatever the saying is…Looks like a sign of insecurity to me. Do you really need to tell us through inked skin how much God is on your side? I suppose God was playing for another team until you got hammered and decided to have those words engraved on your chest. Good for you.

Last but not least – the tattoo on the face. If you have a tattoo on your face, I think it’s safe to say you’ve pretty much thrown in the towel on life. We’re not analyzing those tattoos on your face, we’re in awe as to why you even bothered to get out of bed this morning.

Pictures of tattoos of dragons

Pictures of tattoos of dragons

Dragons have always been amazing creatures that terrorized men by his power or his divinity, which earned them a place at the top, especially in Eastern cultures where dragons were a symbol of power and wisdom alone.

As for tattoos, dragons are major Asian tattoos, and are usually performed mainly as tribal tattoos or in a realistic style Chinese or Japanese, usually colorful and occupying large portions of skin, what is often refer to tattoos broad areas like the chest and back.

In women, the dragons who occupy the entire back and part of the legs are often seen as one of the most sensual tattoos, which are increasing their number in the female audience over time.

This photo gallery tattoo dragon tattoo is to choose a good design and inspiration if we make us one in mind.

Hello Kitty Strange Tattoos

Hello Kitty Strange Tattoos

Japanese Hello Kitty the cat has become one of the icons of pop culture more distinctive and striking, mainly by the fact that it can represent thousands of different ways, being one of the most versatile tattoo.

As a culture heavily influenced by music, movies, video games and all that is massive, Hello Kitty tattoos are modified according to what they want to represent what works like Hello Kitty to Star Wars, Frankenstein, like a ninja or samurai, as characters from manga and anime, and even as Jesus, because there are no borders where you will not find this distinctive logo of pop culture, and the only limit is your imagination and creativity.

It is advisable to talk to the tattooist and make sketches on paper before the tattoos, to make sure everything is as they want.

Hello Kitty Strange Tattoos
Hello Kitty Strange Tattoos
Hello Kitty Strange Tattoos
Hello Kitty Strange Tattoos
Hello Kitty Strange Tattoos
Hello Kitty Strange Tattoos
Hello Kitty Strange Tattoos
Hello Kitty Strange Tattoos

Tattoo of dragon

Tattoo of dragon

Dragons are mythological animals, whose appearance in different cultures and places in the world does not imply in any case the same symbolism.

Europeans say that dragons are more perverse than the Orientals. Just like that. They are powerful creatures able to fly and spit fire. They usually have four legs, sometimes horns and, of course, its dimensions exceed the limits of any to be known. However, despite their wickedness, these creatures are also carriers of values such as intelligence, strength, ingenuity and mental acuity. In most European legends all these features allow the dragon to defend the place where the treasure and the princess.

When a dragon tattoos of this kind, we should just think about what are the connotations and probably give us those values stay with intelligence and wisdom that all involves dragon.

Star tattoos Photos Star tattoos

Star tattoos Photos Star tattoos

The star tattoos have become one of the most popular tattoo designs for both men and women, as they may be the protagonists of the tattoo itself, or simply a decorative accompaniment able to complete almost any picture to tattoo.

Star tattoos

Stars are considering a tattoo design really sexy, but this is nothing more than areas used for tattooing, as can be seen tattoos of stars in provocative areas like the groin, above the breasts, shoulders, neck or lower back tattoos remain one of the favorites for women.

Star tattoos

These tattoos are also very old and tribes worshiping them tattooing stars in the face and the rest of the body as a tribute to their gods and fallen brothers, who were thought to be the stars.

Star tattoos
Star tattoos
Star tattoos

New tattoo of David Beckham

New tattoo of David Beckham

When it seemed that there was no more room in your body for more tattoos, David Beckham back in the news in CuerpoyArte. It is that last Sunday, the soccer star unveiled his new tattoo when he took off the shirt of AC Milan to celebrate their team's victory against Juventus.

This is an image in black and white ink of Jesus Christ based on a painting called The Man of Sorrows of the artist Matthew Brooks. The venue for this new design look was the religious right side of his lower abdomen, one of the areas that even David was free of tattoos.

Although Beckham has Jewish roots, this new design is not the only one with Christian motifs: it has a cross on his neck, a huge angel guardian between the shoulders and another angel on his right shoulder.

This new work of art in the body of the player is added to a large collection (it has at least seventeen tattoos) that includes the names of his wife, Victoria, and their three sons Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz as well as Hebrew letters, numbers Roman and Chinese proverbs.

David Beckham's tattoos David Beckham

David Beckham's tattoos David Beckham

David Beckham's tattoos
David Beckham's tattoos
David Beckham's tattoos
David Beckham's tattoos

Michael Jackson Tattoo Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson Tattoo Michael Jackson

We know that tattoos are a way to express admiration for someone for a lifetime, so often used to honor musicians and bands, mainly those who made history, as is the case of the late King of Pop, Michael jackson.

Having beaten records of all kinds around the world, Michael Jackson made his way into history in 1982 when she released "Thriller," which until today is the biggest selling album, thereby earning the crown of King of Pop .

Michael Jackson Tattoo

Michael Jackson Tattoo

Many fans have decided to honor him directly on your skin, having an enormous amount of tattoos on Michael Jackson, with some large and costly while others are rather small and delicate tattoos.

Michael Jackson Tattoo

Among the areas for tattoos, these tattoos are mostly smooth, flat areas, such as shoulders, back and belly, but there are several tattoos on his arms.

Michael Jackson Tattoo

Michael Jackson Tattoo

Black Ink Tattoo Black Tattoo

Black Ink Tattoo Black Tattoo

We know that tattoos are usually done in black ink in different colors and brightness, but there is a tendency to black ink tattoos simply obscure parts of the body, and inexplicably these tattoo designs are incredibly bright and very well, which is becoming the most popular.

Black Ink Tattoo Black Tattoo

The areas to be tattooed these designs tend to be varied depending on the design, but to look better are often tattooed on the chest, back, legs or abdomen.

Black Ink Tattoo Black Tattoo

Scary Tattoos Scary Tattoo

Scary Tattoos Scary Tattoo

Arab Tattoo Photos Arab Tattoo

Arab Tattoo Photos Arab Tattoo

Arabic Tattoos are not well known, but thanks to his unique style decorative, are beginning to gain much ground and is expected in the not too distant future, become really popular.

Within the Arab tattoos, tattoos of Arabic letters are the most viewed. Being really very decorative with their lyrics, these tattoos are often tattooed in black and without too many graphics accompaniments tattoo besides their letters themselves. Among the tattoos of letters, Arabic letters tattoos compete with Japanese letters tattoos and tattoos of Chinese characters in terms of style and decoration, making them favorite tattoos for people who want tattoos of names.

As for areas to be tattooed, these tattoos are usually done in the back, arms, chest and shoulders, since they are more flat areas in which they can better appreciate this script as stylized.