
Love and music on single tattoo

Love and music on a single tattoo

It is true that many tattoos are a way to express something they feel or what they believe. A drawing or use of a symbol talk about themselves, remind the world what they think and feel.

Today I have been shocked to find a symbol that had not seen before, and that in a very creative and aesthetically beautiful group manages three concepts into one, Peace, Love and Music.

Love and music on single tattoo

How many are there that promote global peace and love and that believe that music is a means to achieve it? For them a new reason for the agglomeration tattoo everything.

As you can see it is the union of the peace symbol: the circle with four lines coming out from the center, popularized by the hippie movement in the early 60s. Coupled with the ultimate symbol of love: the figure of the heart. And as if that were not enough, all linked with the figure of a musical note, as a symbol of music.

Love and music on single tattoo

I think originality gets all the points, and like a tattoo bit is subtle, discreet and beautiful. What more could you want? 100% advisable.

Love and music on single tattoo

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